MIGHTY MUG 是由美國設計公司創立的品牌,首推商品就是吸奇不倒杯,甫問世就掀起美國、歐洲、日本等先進國家的搶購熱潮。聰明的魔術吸盤設計,是全世界唯一能夠抓住桌面,撞不倒也推不倒的馬克杯,絕對是辦公室與居家桌上最需要也最值得信任的好夥伴!
MIGHTY MUG商品秉持美國設計、台灣製造,優越的功能與國際級的品質值得您的信任。功能使用簡單,操作直覺,為您帶來美好的新體驗!
Mighty Mug is the world's only mug with patented Smartgrip technology which allows Mighty Mug to grip to your desk when you accidentally knock into it. When Mighty Mug is placed on your desk it traps a small amount of air at it's base creating a powerful grip. Mighty Mug instantly releases when you go in for a sip so it is a 100% natural drinking experience.