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發表於 2019-10-20 04:29:39
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本貼文最後由 華豐寢飾 於 2019-12-23 13:45 編輯
6x6x1 我(wo)和(he)你(ni) I and You
6x6x1x1(C) 我(wo)和(he)你(ni)在(zai)一(yi)起(qi)。You and I are together.
6x6x1x2(C) 我(wo)們(men)會(hui)看(kan)書(shu)。We can read books.
6x6x1x3(C) 小(xiao)白(bai)兔(tu)在(zai)吃(chi)草(cao)。The little white rabbit is eating grass.
6x6x1x4(C) 小(xiao)鳥(niao)在(zai)天(tian)上(shang)飛(fei)。The little bird is flying in the sky.
6x6x1x5(C) 小(xiao)馬(ma)和(he)小(xiao)兔(tu)不(bu)會(hui)飛(fei)。The foal and the little rabbit cannot fly.
6x6x2 水(shui)
6x6x2x1(C) 看(kan,地di上shang有you水shui。Look, there is water on the ground.
6x6x2x2(C) 水(shui裏li有you水shui草cao。There are weeds in the water.
6x6x2x3(C) 小(xiao草cao和he花hua朵duo要yao水shui。Grass and flowers need water.
6x6x2x4(C) 小(xiao馬ma和he小xiao兔tu要yao水shui。The foal and the little rabbit need water.
6x6x2x5(C) 小(xiao白bai兔tu要yao吃chi草cao。The little white rabbit needs to eat grass.
6x6x3 幾(ji)個(ge)人(ren)
6x6x3x1(C) 這(zhe裏li有you幾ji個ge人ren? How many people are here?
6x6x3x2(C) 三(san個ge人ren。Three people.
6x6x3x3(C) 你(ni有you幾ji本ben書shu?How many books have you got?
6x6x3x4(C) 五(wu本ben書shu。Five books.
6x6x3x5(C) 我(wo們men會hui看kan書shu。We can read books.
6x6x4 沒(mei)有(you)
6x6x4x1(C) 小(xuai男nan孩hai沒mei有you吃chi手shou指zhi。The little boy is not sucking his finger.
6x6x4x2(C) 你(ni手shou裏li有you幾ji本ben書shu?How many books are there in you hands?
6x6x4x3(C) 我(wo手shou裏li有you三san本ben書shu。There are three books in my hands.
6x6x4x4(C) 這(zhe裏li有you沒mei有you水shui?Is there water here?
6x6x4x5(C) 小(xiao兔tu和he小xiao馬ma要yao水shui。The rabbit and the foal need water.
6x6x5 我(wo)會(hui)走(zou)
6x6x5x1(C) 我(wo和he小xiao明ming會hui走zou。Xiao Ming and I can work.
6x6x5x2(C) 我(wo們men走zou到dao你ni的de家jia。We walk to your house.
6x6x5x3(C)你(ni家jia裏li有you幾ji個ge人ren?How many people are there at your home?
6x6x5x4(C) 你(ni家jia裏li沒mei有you人ren。There is nobody at your home.
6x6x5x5(C) 我(wo們men看kan不bu到dao你ni。We don not see you.
6x6x6 都(dou)是(shi)小(xiao)孩(hai)
6x6x6x1(C) 我(wo們men都dou是shi小xiao孩hai。We are all children.
6x6x6x2(C) 這(zhe裏li有you沒mei有you男nan孩hai?Are there any boys here?
6x6x6x3(C) 有(you男nan孩hai,也ye有you女nu孩hai。There are boys, and there are also girls.
6x6x6x4(C) 有(you幾ji個ge小xiao孩hai會hui走zou?How many children can walk?
6x6x6x5(C) 這(zhe裏li的de小xiao孩hai都dou會hui走zou。All the children here can walk.
6x6x7 出(chu)去(qu)
6x6x7x1(C) 我(wo們men要yao出chu去qu。We want to go out.
6x6x7x2(C) 我(wo們men走zou到dao山shan下xia。We walk down the mountain.
6x6x7x3(C) 我(wo們men都dou看kan到dao你ni。We all see you.
6x6x7x4(C) 你(ni沒mei有you出chu去qu。We have not gone out.
6x6x7x5(C) 我(wo們men在zai水shui裏li。We are in the water.
6x6x8 回(hui)來(lai)
6x6x8x1(C) 我(wo們men都dou出chu去qu。We have all gone out.
6x6x8x2(C) 爸(ba爸ba和he媽ma媽ma回hui來lai。Father and Mother come back.
6x6x8x3(C) 你(ni走zou來lai我wo的de家jia。You walk to my home.
6x6x8x4(C) 你(ni沒mei有you看kan到dao我wo。You do not see me.
6x6x8x5(C) 你(ni要yao回hui家jia去qu。You want to go home.
6x6x9 我(wo)回(hui)來(lai)
6x6x9x1(C) 我(wo出chu去qu了le。I am going out.
6x6x9x2(C) 我(wo走zou到dao山shan下xia。I walk down the mountain.
6x6x9x3(C) 小(xiao明ming和he你ni都dou在zai。Xiao Ming and you are both here.
6x6x9x4(C) 我(wo們men一yi起qi看kan書shu。We read together.
6x6x9x5(C) 我(wo回hui來lai了le。I have come back.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6x6x10 太(tai)大(da)了(le)
6x6x10x1(C) 這(zhe個ge太tai大da了le。This is too big.
6x6x10x2(C) 這(zhe個ge太tai小xiao了le。This is too small.
6x6x10x3(C) 我(wo們men都dou回hui家jia了le。We have all come home.
6x6x10x4(C) 一(yi家jia人ren在zai一yi起qi。The whole family is together.
6x6x10x5(C) 太(tai好hao了le。It is wonderful!
6x6x11 他(ta)是(shi)小(xiao)明(ming)
6x6x11x1(C) 這(zhe是shi小xiao明ming。This is Xiao Ming.
6x6x11x2(C) 他(ta是shi我wo的de朋peng友you。He is my friend.
6x6x11x3(C) 小(xiao明ming說shuo:「我wo回hui來lai了le。」"I have come back," said Xiao Ming.
6x6x11x4(C) 小(xiao明ming要yao和he小xiao兔tu一yi起qi。Xiao Ming wants to be with the little rabbit.
6x6x11x5(C) 他(ta不bu要yao出chu去qu了le。He does not want to go out.
6x6x12 他(ta)在(zai)家(jia)嗎(ma)
6x6x12x1(C) 小(xiao明ming在zai家jia嗎ma?Is Xiao Ming at home?
6x6x12x2(C) 不(bu,他ta出chu去qu了le。No, he has gone out.
6x6x12x3(C) 他(ta會hui回hui來lai嗎ma?Will he come back?
6x6x12x4(C) 他(ta會hui回hui來lai。He will come back.
6x6x12x5(C) 小(xiao明ming到dao山shan上shang來lai了le。Xiao Ming has come up the the mountain.
6x6x13 長(chang)
6x6x13x1 你(ni要yao這zhe個ge嗎ma?Do you want this?
6x6x13x2 不(bu,這zhe個ge太tai長chang了le。No, this is too long.
6x6x13x3 兩(liang個ge都dou是shi你ni的de嗎ma?Are they both yours?
6x6x13x4 不(bu,白bai的de是shi他ta的de。No, the white one is his.
6x6x13x5 這(zhe裏li有you幾ji朵duo花hua?How many flowers are here?
6x6x14 我(wo)愛(ai)看(kan)書(shu)
6x6x14x1(C) 你(ni愛ai甚shen麽me?What do you love?
6x6x14x2(C) 我(wo愛ai看kan書shu。I love to read.
6x6x14x3(C) 我(wo愛ai爸ba爸ba媽ma媽ma。I love Father and Mother.
6x6x14x4(C) 我(wo有you一yi個ge很hen好hao的de家jia。I have a very nice home.
6x6x14x5(C) 我(wo的de家jia在zai高gao山shan上shang。My home is up on the high mountain.
6x6x15 喝(he)水(shui)
6x6x15x1(C) 小(xiao白bai兔tu走zou到dao山shan上shang。The little white rabbit walks up the mountain.
6x6x15x2(C) 他(ta愛ai吃chi草cao。He loves to eat grass.
6x6x15x3(C) 這(zhe裏li的de草cao好hao長chang。The grass here is very long.
6x6x15x4(C) 他(ta要yao去qu喝he水shui。He wants to go and drink water.
6x6x15x5(C) 你(ni也ye要yao喝he水shui嗎ma?Do you want to drink water too?
6x6x16 可(ke)愛(ai)的(de)小(xiao)白(bai)兔(tu)
6x6x16x1(C) 小(xiao白bai兔tu會hui吃chi草cao喝he水shui。The little rabbit can eat grass and drink water.
6x6x16x2(C) 他(ta也ye會hui走zou。He can also walk.
6x6x16x3(C) 可(ke是shi他ta不bu會hui飛fei。But he cannot fly.
6x6x16x4(C) 小(xiao白bai兔tu太tai可ke愛ai了le。What a lovely little rabbit.
6x6x16x5(C) 你(ni愛ai小xiao白bai兔tu嗎ma?Do you love the little rabbit?
6x6x17 我(wo)想(xiang)
6x6x17x1(C) 我(o想xiang飛fei。I want to fly.
6x6x17x2(C) 可(ke是shi我wo不bu會hui飛fei。But I cannot fly.
6x6x17x3(C) 我(wo想xiang看kan一yi本ben好hao書shu。I want to read a good book.
6x6x17x4(C) 我(wo們men都dou愛ai看kan書shu。We all like to read books.
6x6x17x5(C) 我(wo想xiang回hui家jia去qu。I want to go home.
6x6x18 看(kan)見(jian)了(le)
6x6x18x1(C) 你(ni看kan見jian小xiao馬ma了le嗎ma?Have you seen the foal?
6x6x18x2(C) 山(shan上shang沒mei見jian到dao他ta。I have not seen him up on the mountain.
6x6x18x3(C) 山(shan下xia也ye沒mei見jian到dao他ta。Neither have I seen him at the bottom of the mountain.
6x6x18x4(C) 我(wo來lai想xiang一yi想xiang... Let me think...
6x6x18x5(C) 小(xiao馬ma回hui家jia去qu了le。The foal has gone home.
6x6x19 給(gei)我(wo)
6x6x19x1(C) 你(ni給gei我wo一yi朵duo花hua。You give me a flower.
6x6x19x2(C) 我(wo給gei你ni一yi本ben書shu。I give you a book.
6x6x19x3(C) 小(xiao明ming要yao給gei我wo什shen麽me?What is Xiao Ming giving me?
6x6x19x4(C) 好(hao可ke愛ai!How lovely!
6x6x19x5(C) 我(wo去qu給gei大da家jia看kan。I go show it to everybody.
6x6x20 我(wo)們(men)一(yi)起(qi)玩(wan)
6x6x20x1(C) 我(wo看kan見jian你ni在zai草cao地di上shang。I saw you on the grass.
6x6x20x2(C) 我(wo想xiang和he你ni玩wan。I want to play with you.
6x6x20x3(C) 我(wo給gei你ni一yi朵duo花hua。I give you a flower.
6x6x20x4(C) 小(xiao明ming見jian到dao了le我wo們men。Xiao Ming has seen us.
6x6x20x5(C) 他(ta也ye要yao和he我wo們men玩wan。He wants to play with us too.