親愛的朋友們: 義大利藝術家PaoloRui 對這件作品的註解是: “Even though there isn't any direct witness record of the event,it's now become an indisputable truth.” 而OpenBox希望把這個想法轉化成: “ 把握當下,珍視每個時刻,同時祝福您在新的一年有個美好的開始!”。 在新年佳節前夕,OpenBox 祝福您安康、喜樂、幸福! Dear friends, Appreciate what you have right now and seize the moment. Have a wonderful beginning of the year. Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through the coming year. 展覽預告 Currentexhibition Jan. 11, 2014 - Feb. 23, 2014 搖滾森巴 歐亞藝術家雕塑聯展 The Group Exhibition of Contemporary Sculpture Artist 打開盒子創藝
【執行總監】林志樺/Mike 0913-234588
【藝術專員】楊嵐茵/Yoko 0921-960067
【藝術專員】李 安/An 0922-233224
40848 台灣台中市南屯區大聖街269號1樓
No.269, Dasheng St., Nantun Dist., TaichungCity 40848, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel|+886-4-23267676 Fax|+886-4-23266565 |